Terms of Use
- 1. I fully understand the terms and conditions below and participate of my own free will at the Frolic Sea Adventure Park Uradome (hereinafter, “The Facility”).
- 2. I understand that while at The Facility, I fully accept all risks and responsibility and that the organizer is in no way responsible for any accident, injury or problems that may occur.
- 3. The organizer has insurance as outlined below for participants who have an accident or injury while using The Facility, and I understand that any compensation will only be for what is covered in that insurance. Organizer’s Insurance Coverage Daily Insurance Amount Per Day Per Person (Contract Amount) Death and Permanent Disability Insurance 5,000,000 yen Hospitalization Insurance 3,000 yen Outpatient Care Insurance 2,000 yen *Payouts for Surgery Insurance are 10 times the hospitalization insurance amount (inpatient surgery) or 5 times (outpatient surgery).
- 4. I am in good health and do not have any issues that would affect my participating in this event.
- 5. While using The Facility, I will follow the instructions of the organizer.
- 6. While using The Facility, I will abide by the instructions explained in the URL below and those given before entering. (http://frolicsea-ap.com/wp/wp-content/themes/sevens_base/pdf/Frolic_safety_container_160618.pdf) I am responsible for any valuables and personal belongings and understand the organizer is not responsible in the case of theft, loss or damage of these items.
- 7. I will not use The Facility while under the influence of alcohol. I understand that the organizer may conduct an alcohol check if there is a suspicion of alcohol use, and I must readily submit to this test and may be asked to leave if the results are positive.
- 8. I understand that due to inclement weather, the possibility of inclement weather, or other environmental issues in the area, The Facility may without prior notice close or guests may be asked to leave.
- 9. While at The Facility and the Uradome Coast, I agree to allow video, photographs, articles, and recordings to be taken and used on the Internet, as part of marketing materials, social media, or on Youtube.
- 10. I understand that Frolic Sea Adventure Park Uradome will not under any circumstances refund my admission fee. However, in circumstances where the organizer would not allow entrance into The Facility (due to poor weather closure), refunds will be made in order after the end of the season (after Aug. 26). Tickets purchased through PassMarket will not be eligible for these refunds as part of the terms and conditions of these advance tickets. I understand any refunds on the day of the visit at The Facility cannot be issued.
- 11. Members of a group (family) will agree to these terms verbally. Organizer’s Insurance Coverage Daily Insurance Amount Per Day Per Person (Contract Amount) Death and Permanent Disability Insurance 5,000,000 yen Hospitalization Insurance 3,000 yen Outpatient Care Insurance 2,000 yen *Payouts for Surgery Insurance are 10 times the hospitalization insurance amount (inpatient surgery) or 5 times (outpatient surgery).
Frolic Sea Adventure Park Uradome Terms of Service and Waiver
Tottori Water Park Executive Committee